Journey to Optimal Breast Health
This journey actually begins many years ago. For now I will share thoughts that I finally typed as drafts between February and April of 2012. Then I will return to earlier times and bring you back to the present. This information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. It is my own personal journey. I share it for educational purposes only in the hopes that someone may find hope on their journey to optimal health.
Note: 12/27/12 We were interviewed for the Rick Steve's Travel Show I mentioned digitized copies of my 13 newsletters from A Pligrimage from Heart to Heart - Orsha to Vladivostok. They are available for a suggested donation of $20 for the set ($30 if you desire a hard copy). Janet Coester P.O. Box 83 Iowa City IA 52244-0083 please include your e mail address. Thank you so very much!!!
There were significant changes in the last six weeks with a lump I have been monitoring since 2003.
I am very blessed. I finally agreed to a fine needle biopsy. I do not have the full report yet. What I know is there are some cancer cells. In talking with Dr. Bevacqua she said: "Because I have had breast lumps that change I have probably been a cancer survivor since 2003 or earlier". My body has known what to do and I have been very successful in keeping things under control. I have some decisions to make. I do know that I will go back to the protocol with exercise, diet, and supplementation that I used successfully from 2004 to 2008 when the car collision took my focus off of optimal breast health. All I can say is Thank you God! Thank you Shaklee! Thank you Sandy! Thank you Dr. Brouse! Thank you each and everyone of you who have touched my life! Please keep me in your prayers for clarity and guidance.
I miss you all. Know that I think of you often! Had planned to return to IA beginning of March. Forgive me for my lack of contact. Yes I fell off the face of the earth last October when I came to AZ to be with Ric's Mom as she was exhausted from being the sole care giver for Jim for over a year. He had become bed ridden the end of September. Jim passed in November and the Memorial was in December. I stayed on to give Donna a chance to recover and adjust to life without Jim as she had never lived alone. This period was not without stress.
Sometime in December it became apparent that there were significant changes happening in a lump that I have been monitoring. My friend in Tucson who is a traditional Naturopath has been suggesting a biopsy for the last year. After many phone calls and two visits to the Arizona Cancer Center I finally found a Pathologist who does Fine Needle Biospsies at St Joseph's Hospital. What I knew was that I didn't want to break the capsule of the tumor. My CA 27.29 was very low 14.1 the highest it has ever been was a 14.8. Indications of Cancer are normally higher than 38. So my blood work has never indicated cancer. February 16th I had a fine needle aspiration the report came back this past week as Breast Carcinoma, Ductal Type, Moderately Differentiated. Good news it is not fast growing.
I am back doing the practices - diet, exercise and supplementation wise - that I used successfully between 2004 and 2008 to rid myself of a large mass and a smaller mass by non invasive means.
I am staying in AZ until I figure out for sure what is the right path this time around. I will not go an Allopathic route without an advocate, to help me understand all the medical reports & proceedures, which Dr. Sandy is for me. My mother ended up with a radical mastectomy 10 years before her death (at age 68) and a hugely swollen arm the last 5 years of her life. My brother died within 2.5 years of his surgery.
I will be consulting with a breast surgeon in order to get an ultra sound and probably an MRI so as to see the extent of the tumor that is currently clamoring for attention.
In 2004, when the breast surgeon I consulted with recommended a radical mastectomy, I walked out and never looked back. I prayed for non invasive means and they came to me.
Monday I will be seeing a Medicine Man (Jeff Harris) who came highly recommended to me. He has seen auras in people and horses since he was 4 years old. A Bowen practitioner I have been working with in Tucson told me of his healing experience. After Dr. Austin left the room the words that came to me were "I am an eagle whose wings have been clipped by life circumstances and I am ready to fly." God is in control! It is a blessing that this appointment is Monday (prior to seeing the breast surgeon, have yet to be given an appointment time).
Keeping you all in my heart and prayers! Thanking you for remembering me in yours and grateful to those of you who have ordered Shaklee products.
The private consulatation on Monday with Jeff Harris and Christy Snow* was full of insight and gave me a sense of hope on the path, on the non invasive path I feel called to travel. The doors continue to open. Dr. Brouse had suggested last May that I get treatments of Vitamin C IV I couldn't find anyone in Iowa who would do them. Today I found a Naturopath in Tucson who will do them and the first appointment is Thursday. Still do not have an appointment with Dr. Whitacre at Southern Arizona Breast Center.
Yesterday I had the first Vitamin C IV drip $210 with Dr. Noemi Quintanar. I may be doing 1 or 2 of these a week to help my immune system and get my white blood cell count off the floor 2.7 (4 to 10 is "normal", in 1997 even with my hands broken out it was 2.7) is as high as I have gotten it in recent months and that was on 14 Nutriferon a day for two weeks. I feel hopeful that the Vitamin C that I am taking internally, through IV, and topically will help in the shrinking of this "silly thing" (it is external, looks like a wart, don't know how deep it goes and I can get my fingers under it). The consultation with the breast surgeon and ultra sound have been scheduled for next Wednesday at 5:00 MT. I have another IV on Tuesday.
Ric (my husband) asked me last night how we are going to pay for all of this. I said I didn't know one step at a time. In the morning I had run out of time to make copies of my newsletters from the solo walk I did across the Russian Federation. I had promised the Americore team a copy. I called Anita at Parks and Recreation. When I arrived she suggested that rather than copy I could scan them and she would e mail them. What an awesome idea. I now have an electronic version of the original newsletters I sent out. It occurred to me this morning that I could create a blog or a webpage and offer copies electronically at $20 a set to help pay for the "non invasive" treatments that I am pursuing. I had already come up with the idea of finding 100 to 200 people willing to invest $75 to $150 per month in their health by switching brands and to commit to that for six months. This idea is happening slowly just because so much of my time currently is spent taking care of myself. And that I must do if I plan to remain on planet earth longer. I have a feeling that God isn't finished with me yet on this plane.
*"DesArt Studio - A Rainbow Lodge For Relativity Training" "Private Consultaions - Based in traditional medicine ways, the gifts of halfsight or clairvoyance are open to all who seek. The gift of halfsight refers to the ability to see the human aura or the etheric energy system. This energy system relates to our physical bodies and when damaged can create and/or contribute to physical dis-ease.
During a private consultation the energy system is read visually and by clairsentience with the information transmitted to the patient via a drawing. If necessary and desired, the system is repaired and recommendations for maintenance are discussed. These gifts and information are shared in private sessions, by appointment only, and usually at DesArt Studio."
Have a Glorious Day!!!
Janet Coester - Consultant for Mir Valley Associates, L.C.
1-877-351-5839 toll free or 319-330-8307 cell phone
Check this out to improve your financial and/or physical health!
The appointment with the breast surgeon didn't happen on Wednesday 7 March because of a flat tire. Turned out the prius needed four new tires Thursday morning, and Thursday evening 8 March I did see Dr. Whitacre.
3/17/12 Happy St. Patricks Day!!!
Great News here are some successes! My first and 2nd Vitamin C IV's were painful (the first very painful) we discovered after I mentioned at one point that a doctor had found that I was allergic to metals that my arm was reacting to the needle being there. So my third and fourth Vitamin C IV's went very smoothly. My March blood work came back with my WBC at a 3.1 and my protein at a 7.0. Also the "silly thing" is shrinking.
If I could afford it my first choice would be to spend three weeks at the Gerson Clinic in Mexico. Google and Watch the documentary "Dying to Have Known". Given that I don't have $15,500 I am going to do what I can on my own to follow the Gerson Therapy. I am considering retreating for 2 and a 1/2 months at Desert Rose Baha'i Center in one of the Apartments there. I need and want to reduce all stress and figure out how to live my life without stress going forward. I am also considering the Two Feathers Healing Formula which has 500 successful cases and I believe would address the concerns of the cancer possibly spreading elsewhere which was a concern that the breast surgeon brought up. It may also help address my ph which seems to be too acidic.
3/24/12 Shaklee Family and Peace Team Update
Janet is back on her journey to optimal breast health. We will succeed. We succeeded before and it shall happen again. August 9th of 2004 I was told by the doctor who performed the ultra sound that most likely what was going on was cancer. The end of August 2004 I had no money and the breast surgeon that I consulted with wanted to do a radical mastectomy because it looked bad on the ultra-sound. I refused a biopsy. I had begun a completely raw food diet 10 August 2004, walking twice a day for an hour, rebounding 5 minutes a day, therapeutic doses of Shaklee supplements, prayer and meditation. I prayed for non invasive ways of dealing with the large mass and small lump in the left breast and small lump in the right breast.
I received a flyer in the mail from Spring Forest Qigong. I did the exercise and experienced the flow of energy. I was able to arrange for appointments in December with Master Linn and Jim Nance.
I did the AMAS Test which came back borderline and the retest was normal. The female hormone profile that I did in the spring of 2005 showed low risk for breast cancer as well as the thermography done in June.
In 2008 I added Vivix and extra Vitamin D to my program and the large mass in the left breast & small lump in the right breast disappeared.
The smaller lump in the left breast remained with minimal changes. Then December of 2010 a well meaning medical Dr that I was seeing for issues relating to a car collision was concerned about the "lesion" noting in his report probable cancer of the left breast. The practitioners who were following me felt that since it was stable that it was most likely fibrocystic adhesions which I was warned could go in the direction of cancer.
The last quarter of 2011 was filled with stresses and in December it became apparent that there were some significant changes happening, following the changes closely in January I finally agreed to a fine needle biopsy. With the result of the biopsy 16 February all else went on hold and I returned to the protocol that I had used successfully from 2004 to 2008. Thankfully "the silly thing is shrinking".
Plan A is to continue with the 2004 protocol. I have added other Therapies not covered by insurance and we have a very high deductible. I was recently gifted two weeks at Desert Rose Baha'i Institute. It is very peaceful here. I will be renting the apartment for April and if necessary for May. I am working closely with Health Care and Medical Practitioners in Tucson.
Plan B Gerson Institute watch Dying to Have Known a documentary on YouTube .
Plan C is surgery.
How can you help? Prayers and positive, peaceful thoughts are welcome.
I am counting on you all to share your successes with Shaklee. If each of you is able to switch brands and invest in your health through Shaklee at your member center or just $75 to $150 a month for the next six months it will help me cover the extra costs. We need 100 to 200 active members and or new members. [Those of you who have not received a bonus check from Shaklee in the last year will have a referral link in your member center. Please share it with your friends. For anyone who uses your referral link and purchases $25 or more of Shaklee products you will receive a $25 product credit.This program ended 7/31/2012]
I will also be doing a blog about my journey to optimal breast health through non invasive and non polluting solutions. I also have a digital copy of the 13 Newsletters that I wrote about the solo 6,200 mile walk that I completed across the Russian Federation in 1992 and 1993, these will be available at a suggested donation of $20.
Thank you again for your friendship, your loyalty to investing in your health and the health of your family and the health of the planet. Together we will make a difference and create a sustainable, peaceful, and abundant future.
Love and prayers always for a Livable World!
Janet Coester for Mir Valley Associates, L.C.
As of April 4th my WBC is at a 7 this is great, a first for me. Protein has dropped .5 and I will get it back up there. Met with 2 different Oncologists on Monday and they both agreed that given my chemical sensitivities that Chemo is not a good course for me.
Little miracles from last week:
Tuesday I had a chance to go to MT Lemon with some friends. Sitting on a rock by the stream and reciting the long healing prayer with the music of the stream was uplifting in the cool mountain air a little respite from the heat.
Wednesday my brother called and is sending me a check which will cover the next two weeks of therapy.
Thursday I went to my favorite pine tree took off my shoes to ground while saying my prayers (the long healing prayer and the tablet of Ahmad) which I chose to chant, followed by a SpringForest Qigong exercise "breathing of the universe", I felt the energy flowing through every cell in my body. At the end of this time I took my pH and it was a 7.0
Friday after prayer and while meditating I felt a peck on my leg it was a humming bird, it disappeared under my skirt and then when it reappeared landed on my left leg and pecked at a purple flower, it flitted to the other leg, it looked at me. There with its wings spread out I could see the green coloring on its back. I quietly said I wish I had something good to give you. Inside I was awed at this little creature who trusted me, it stayed there quietly then flew up into the branches. I spotted a second humming bird in the branches above. What a gift God had given me in that interaction. I went back to meditating. And there was another peck on my leg. I don't know if it was the earlier visitor or its friend. My eyes followed it as it flew away, joined by its friend. Not sure what message they had to give me. I am very grateful for the time they spent with me. [Sunday evening Bonnie shared with me from her Book on Indian Medicine Cards. Hummingbirds bring Bliss. Linden suggested I google hummingbird totems, what stuck out for me was healing and balance, Diane said remember how that experience felt and hold onto it, and Dr. Sandy said Joy]
Friday I finished cleaning my apartment so that I could turn on the air before it hit 100 degrees here.
Please forgive me for the long silence. April was very full with therapies to help me heal as well as my body demanding more rest. When it hit over 100 degrees I realized that I had to do something about having the ducts cleaned and cleaning the apartment to the point where I could breath with the air on. Finally turned the air on 11 May. I am over the disappointment of having to start another six week cycle of the Two Feathers Healing Formula. In my perfect world the silly thing would have fallen off my chest the end of April and May would have been follow up appointments and I would be on my way back to Iowa in the beginning of June. Learning to be content with the time that it takes is important.
I had hoped to attend the wedding of Amie Ric's niece. I had thought I would be finished with the first cycle of the Two Feathers Healing Formula and had miscalculated. Dr. Noemi pointed out to me that when one is detoxing that it is necessary to lie down and rest as needed. I did have a chance to go to a surprise party last Saturday and there was dancing. Of course I danced although not with wild abandoned like I used to before the car collision in 08.
Dr. Noemi and Dr. Downey both think that my progress is great and to keep on doing what I am doing. I am so very greatful for my health care team here.
Today, Ted at LabCore did a great job of drawing blood for my labs. Dave in Iowa does a great job as well. Tomorrow I go for an MRI and ultra sound. I will write more as I know more.
Thinking of you all and keeping you in my heart and prayers always!!! jc
I realized several weeks ago that I hadn't updated my blog since 21 May 2012. This was in part due to uncertainty, lack of energy, and lack of time. It has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. Seemed I was needing an inordinate amount of sleep in July along with the time consuming healing regimen that I am on. I stopped the Two Feathers Healing Formula the end of June to see if I could get my White Blood Cell Count back up to normal and pick up my energy. And there have been some wonderful things that have happened. So lets take you back to May.
I rolled over in bed 5:00 am on the 22nd of May and my upper arm hit the area I had been treating with the Two Feathers Healing Formula. The external portion of the tumor fell off with some bleeding. Days earlier I had looked at it and told it that it had to be gone by Tuesday. It seemed to only be hanging on by a thread. All that was left outside the skin was a 3 by 3 by 4 mm in depth stub. This fell out without any bleeding on the 13th of June.
Back to the MRI, on Tuesday May 22nd, thankfully Carol a friend and RN went with me. She was with me when I was shown some images. The view that we where shown I have not been able to find in my copy of the MRI. The area of concern looked like a spindle with an almond shape a short distance away. There was concern that the spindle abuts the chest wall and whether or not it involved the muscle because there is no fat plane separating it from the muscle. Well those who know me, know that I have little to no fat on my body. So that was not surprising. There was also something they noticed in my lung and the MRI does not read air space. So I understood that a CT scan would be able to identify what was happening in my lung and answer whether the tumor was involving the chest wall.
The CT scan was done on 7 June and really didn't answer the lung question nor whether the tumor was going into the chest wall. I was given three choices 1) biopsy and try to hopefully collect a piece of the larger nodule, 2) wait three months and repeat the CT scan to see if the lung nodules had grown, 3) have a PET Scan. I chose the third option as being the least invasive and would hopefully give fuller information on what was going on in the breast tissue.
According to the PET Scan report the muscle of the chest wall is not involved. The lung nodules are not FDG (Fludeoxyglucose) avid. There is faint metabolic activity in the breast tissue. There is mild enlargement and mild metabolic activity in the central right hilar lymph node which is "worrisome".
Dr. Brouse's first question was whether I had been coughing. I had been exposed to cigarette smoke and this had caused some congestion and coughing. So this could be allergies. We will be redoing the PET in Several Months as long as the insurance covers the first one. (It did 8/25/12, Yeah!) Also I just remembered my body was not at all happy with the air freshener in the room where I had to sit while the radioactive glucose they put in my vein had time to circulate. I finally got a towel and put it over the stinky thing as it was giving me a headache.
Recently I met with another practitioner who does not believe that a PET Scan is a good tool for reading breast tissue. Therefore it looks like I have another MRI in my future. There has been such rapid regression from the outside, my thinking is that there has to be improvement on the inside.
Fortunately earlier that same day I had my second appointment with Jeff Harris and Christy Snow. I had seen them the end of February. They were very pleased and impressed with the health and strength that I had achieved in my bio-electric body. There were only a handful of repairs which Jeff did. When I showed him the picture of the progress with the tumor he indicated that it would be clear in two months. Later he said give the physical body two months to catch up with the bio-electric body.
So I knew that I am not done yet and there seems to be hope that sooner than later I will be able to put closure on this chapter of my life.
I have to say thank you, thank you, thank you. to each one of my health care team for their guidance and encouragement. I also have to say thank you, thank you, thank you to Dr. Sandra Bevacqua for the e mail of support that she sent out on my behalf. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each of you who have responded with notes, e mails, contributions to help me on this journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you to each of you who have ordered Shaklee products and for your referrals.
Here is a copy of the wonderful e mail that Dr. Sandy sent out 8/10/12:
A request for help.
Dear Shaklee Family,
Many of you may know Janet Coester a very successful full-time fellow Shaklee business leader (since 2003). Janet walked across the entire Russian Federation for peace and an environmentally sustainable future in 1992 and 1993. She has been a dependable friend to everyone she comes in contact with including many of us in the Shaklee field.
Last February, Janet was diagnosed with cancer. She has experienced very rapid regression of her tumors since then. In addition to choosing the high quality products from Shaklee, other elements of Janet's daily program include 10+ hours of sleep a night, exercise, Qigong, prayer and meditation, vegetable juicing, and preparing raw and sprouted foods. Additional therapies have included Two Feathers healing Formula, Vitamin C IV's, colonics, bio electric repair, and a few acupuncture treatments.
This program, especially preparing the diet, is very time consuming! It’s really more than a full-time job and Janet is doing it all on her own! All of this leaves little time to keep up her Shaklee business so money has become an issue.
In short, Janet has run into a financial wall. She is out of money with mounting medical bills! It is critical that she receive financial assistance so that she can continue her program and finish this fabulous story of recovery. (Follow Janet’s blog at
Anything you can do to help, no matter how big or small, will be greatly appreciated and provide some sense of community and of relief which are both very critical to the healing process. Janet is grateful for all gifts. Please send notes of encouragement and any financial help you may be able to contribute to:
Janet Coester
1811 W William Sears Dr., Apt. 7
Eloy AZ 85131
This is Janet's temporary home address while she is going through her routine for health and healing.
You may use to make donations to Janet at:
Thank you again for helping me support Janet on her journey to complete healing from cancer!
With every good WISH for health and happiness,
Sandra Bevacqua, Ph.D
WorldIntegratedSystems in Health
4627 N. 1stAve., Suite 2
Tucson, AZ 85718
520-743-0575- Office
520-743-4252– Fax
Coming soon juicing, veggie crackers, sprouting, healthy choices workshop, and the Magic by Rhonda Byrne. Oh yes and by popular demand what does Janet's regimen look like on a daily basis.
I am happy to say that Dr. Downey a most wonderful breast oncologist that I am working with mentioned at my last exam 8/27/12 something to the effect that she does not feel what is shown on the MRI from May of 2012. Just another little piece of hope and encouragement on this journey.
This update has been delayed because I have not yet connected with someone to help me edit. (As you probably noticed some of the spacing is funky) I have finally decided to post it and edit it later, so that you are more current on my progress. Thank you again!!! Keeping you each and all in my heart and prayers!!!
15 September 2012
I began juicing in the spring when my friend Carol loaned me her juicer because it was suggested that I drink 16 to 24 ounces of fresh vegetable juice a day. I used the juice recipe that I had been told in 2004. Here is the recipe as I remember it: Kale, Chard, Romaine Lettuce, 1/2 a lemon, 1/2 a small beet, 1/3 of a cucumber, parsley, 1/2 a granny smith apple, celery, a piece of ginger the size of the top of my thumb, and I add carrot. More recently I have also used tomatoes. In May I bought a juicer so that I could return Carol's juicer. It is a Breville JE98XL. It was in a price range that worked for me and it is easy to clean. The best feature is that you do not need to cut everything up into small pieces. The thing I like least is that it doesn't do very well with greens. I hated having to throw out all that great fiber and there was no way that I could eat it all fresh. So I went on line looking for recipes for raw veggie crackers. I settled for "Pretty In Pink" because they were raw and and an easy recipe to follow.
Here is my first Kale cracker recipe that the folks with whom I shared them asked for the recipe:
Raw Kale cracker recipe (all ingredients are organic)
Juice pulp ( 4 large Lacinto or Dino Kale leaves, 1 large Swiss Chard leaf, 1 Collard Leaf, 2 stalks of celery, 1/3 large bunch of Italian parsley, 1/4 large Beet) A little over 2 cups of pulp
1 cup raw organic hazel nuts
1/4 cup of Chia seeds
1/4 cup of Sesame Seeds
Celtic Sea Salt course
Grind seeds in VitaMix on variable speed 10 then high for just a bit
Empty seeds into a bowl
Grind nuts in VitaMix, empty into a bowl
Mix juice pulp, seeds and nuts return them to the Vita Mix add about 1 cup of water (or so will depend on how dry your pulp is from your juicer). I use variable speed 1 - 5 and the tamper to push the ingredients down so that they mix well.
Next I take a stainless steel tray with a sheet of If You Care - unbleached totally chlorine-free (TFC) Parchment Baking Paper. Spread the mixture in a thin layer.
Sprinkle with dill, turmeric, and sea salt
Slice into cracker size pieces and place theses on the dehydrator trays overnight.
A tasty healthy treat. Enjoy! Modify to fit your needs.
Here is Dr. Sandy's favorite (all ingredients are organic and the nuts and seeds are soaked over night, sometimes longer, if longer they are either rinsed every 8 hours or refrigerated until I make the crackers, the sunflower seeds are actually sprouted. For great sprouting instructions go to, and when I remember I add a Tablespoon or 2 of olive oil, or sesame oil):
Juice pulp ( 4 large Lacinto or Dino Kale leaves, 1 large Swiss Chard leaf, 3 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 1/3 large bunch of Italian parsley, 1/4 to1/2 large Beet, about a 1/2 inch of ginger, 1/2 a lemon with peel, 1/3 cucumber, 1 small gala apple, as I haven't been able to find organic granny smith apples)
1 - 2 cups raw almonds
1/4 cup of flax seeds
1/2 cup of sunflower Seeds
Turmeric or Curry Powder
Celtic Sea Salt course
Grind seeds in VitaMix on variable speed 10 then high for just a bit (save a 1/4 cup of the sprouted sunflower seeds for sprinkling over the top)
Empty seeds into a bowl
Grind nuts in VitaMix, empty into a bowl
Mix juice pulp, seeds and nuts return them to the Vita Mix add about 1 cup of water (or so will depend on how dry your pulp is from your juicer). I use variable speed 1 - 5 and the tamper to push the ingredients down so that they mix the well. Note when I make enough juice to equal 16 to 24 ounces that is a lot of pulp. So I do this step and the following steps in two or more batches.
Next I take a stainless steel tray with a sheet of If You Care - unbleached totally chlorine-free (TFC) Parchment Baking Paper. Spread the mixture in a thin layer.
Sprinkle with dulse, dill, turmeric or curry powder, and sea salt
Slice into cracker size pieces and place theses on the dehydrator trays overnight.
Pecan Kale Crackers (all ingredients are organic and the nuts and seeds are soaked over night, sometimes longer, if longer they are either rinsed every 8 hours or refrigerated until I make the crackers) This may not be exactly what I made in July it is probably close.
Juice pulp ( 4 large Lacinto or Dino Kale leaves, 1 large Swiss Chard leaf, 3 carrots, 2 stalks of celery, 1/3 large bunch of Italian parsley, 1/4 to1/2 large Beet, about a 1/2 inch of ginger, 1/3 cucumber, 2 small Roma tomatoes, 1 lime or 1 small gala apple, as I haven't been able to find organic granny smith apples)
1 - 2 cups raw pecans
1/4 cup of flax seeds
1/4 cup hemp seeds
Turmeric or Curry Powder
Celtic Sea Salt course
Grind seeds in VitaMix on variable speed 10 then high for just a bit
Empty seeds into a bowl
Grind nuts in VitaMix, empty into a bowl
Mix juice pulp, seeds and nuts, return them to the Vita Mix add about 1/4 to 1 cup of water (or so will depend on how dry your pulp is from your juicer). I use variable speed 1 - 5 and the tamper to push the ingredients down so that they mix well. Note when I make enough juice to equal 16 to 24 ounces that is a lot of pulp. So I do this step and the following steps in two or more batches.
Next I take a stainless steel tray with a sheet of If You Care - unbleached totally chlorine-free (TFC) Parchment Baking Paper. Spread the mixture in a thin layer.
Sprinkle with dulse, dill, turmeric or curry powder, and sea salt
Slice into cracker size pieces and place theses on the dehydrator trays overnight.
Another nut and seed combination that I use is Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds, and chia seeds.
I generally soak the seeds together and the nuts separately. Except for the sunflower seeds because I sprout some of them for putting on top of the crackers.
In June I gave a Healthy Choices workshop at Desert Rose Baha'i Institute which focused on choices we can make toward optimal wellness, including how much water we drink, how we breathe, organic fruits and vegetables (the dirty dozen at least buy these organically and the clean fifteen, the environmental working group has a list of these on their website), healthy oils, exercise, and attitude. There was lots of audience participation so what I thought would be a two hour workshop turned into a four hour workshop on two different Saturdays. The Second Saturday we covered Why supplement, how to choose a good supplement without going into specific brands, toxins in the everyday products that we use, and resources for further study and information.
In July I began reading The Magic by Rhonda Byrne some friends here had started a book club around the book. It is excellent! Many of us tend to focus on the things we don't like in life. By counting our blessings they grow. An attitude of gratitude is something that I have worked on cultivating in my life and this book is an incredible reminder of how important gratitude is in creating the life we want. Not just mindlessly saying Thank you, but really meaning it from the bottom of our heart and saying why we are grateful for what someone has done for us or something that has happened is so very important. I have suggested to several friends that they find and read this book. It has28 days of gratitude practices. If you want to see your life change purchase it on line at Amazon for $10.17 or check it out from the library and do the exercises daily. I think you will be glad that you did. End your day with a thank you for the best thing that happened that day. In the morning wake saying thank you and see how many times and ways you can say thank you throughout the day. Life really does look differently through the eyes of gratitude.
What does a day in Janet's life look like? I am going to take an ideal day.
4:00 Awake grateful, Daily water flush (four glasses of water with the first I take some supplements with the last I add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 15 alfalfa tablets) and then I prepare food for the day.
5:00 breakfast and supplements
5:45 Walk and Physical therapy exercises (strengthening exercises)
7:00 Prayer, Qigong and Meditation
8:30 Make veggie crackers 2hrs, dole out supplements 2 hrs (once every two weeks) Tucson once or twice a week for appointments all day
So technically if I am able to start the day at four and I don't have any calls or other distractions I have time to do some work before lunch. There are some practices that would be good if I reincorporated into my daily schedule. Counting my blessings as per "The Magic" was a half hour in the morning. Using tea tree oil in a vaporizer (I used a glass pot until it cracked) for my lungs three times a day for 15 to 20 minutes. Daily enemas, between filtering the water and the whole process when I did them, took three hours. Then there are detox baths three times a week for a half hour to forty minutes.
12:00 lunch and supplements - Eating my food now takes time as I attempt to chew it for better digestion.
1:00 nap time ideally this would be 20 minutes, it sometimes turns into several hours. Under ideal circumstances I could fit in another two to three hours of work
5:00 supper and supplements
6:00 walk
7:00 meditation
8:00 bed
The evening times end up running up until 10:00, if I have a conference call or some work that just can't wait, and then, I just can't pull myself out of bed before six or even 8:00 am. It seems that when I go to Tucson I always need several naps the next day. So thank you for understanding some of the delays in replying to messages and phone calls.
I have been struggling with the idea of taking time off completely from everything except the healing process. In 2004 I read Dr. Loraine Day's Wellness Workbook. She is an orthopedic surgeon. She had a lumpectomy because of aggressive breast cancer. In her workbook she said not to expect to continue to work and get well, and that the process could take two years. Dr. Shaklee sold his practice in 1925, he took time out to heal his body and fully recovered from cancer. It was three months before he saw any improvement, and a year and a half to two years before he was free of the cancer. I hear of other people who have cancer and continue to work. I feel somewhat guilty even with the amount of time I have taken. And I have to wonder if I wouldn't be healing faster if I just focused on all the elements of the program instead of shorting some of them in order to fit work in and a back log of unfinished promises. So currently I am attempting to set things up so that the bookkeeping for our 2011 tax return is completed before the end of this month and that whatever I can do to have things running smoothly with the Shaklee business and for our wonderful customers is done so that I can be assured of income and so that I can take two to three weeks to once again just focus on the healing routine.
Thank you each and all for your thoughts, prayers, contributions, orders, and referrals. Keeping you in my heart and prayers always!!!
4 January 2013
Really now it has been a while since I have posted anything. Recently my next door neighbor looked at my rountine and told me there was no way I could do everything. She decided to become my Kitchen Fairy. What a blessing! This week she washed all of my greens when I brought them home. What a time saver. She has taken over making the Chineese Herbal Formula that I am to drink 2 to 3 times a day as well as warming up the daily foot soak. And now has offered to set my nuts, seeds, beans, and grains out to soak over night. I am slowly catching up in other areas of my life. I am so grateful to each and everyone of you who have e mailed, sent a card, called, ordered, prayed, contributed to my wellbeing and financial needs.
A short update from my December Shaklee Peace Team cover letter that I send out with What's New featuring Shaklee products:
I have begun round three of the Two Feathers Healing Formula as of 29 November 2012. While the CT/PET Scan came back great. The doctors are no longer worried about lung or lymph node involvement. The MRI still reveals a 4.5 cm mass from top to bottom (a minimal 2 mm change in overall size in 6 months). It is interesting that it could be adhesion and there is really no way of knowing without doing surgery. I am still working on raising my white blood cell count, if in fact surgery is the final outcome. I have had some moderate success although I am not able to keep it in the normal range. At least now it is hanging out in the threes rather than the twos.
Yesterday I was thinking of my experience with my teeth. When I was twenty-five I was told I would not have my teeth when I was 40 if I did not have orthodontic work done. When I was 30 I was told I would not have my teeth when I was 45 if I did not have orthodontic work done. I looked into the possibility and was told I would have to have my teeth surgically moved in order to improve my bite. I decided not to go through with that. I couldn't afford it anyway. I am now almost 58 and I still have all of my teeth and as far as I know I am not in danger of loosing them. Anyway I am hoping and praying that this third round of Two Feathers will shrink the internal part of the “tumor” as it did the part that erupted through the skin earlier this year. When I was almost 50 it was suggested that I have a radical mastectomy. When I saw the breast surgeon in November 2012 he said a lumpectomy could be done. The pictures taken of the site since May actually do reveal progress toward healing. There are juice and veggie cracker recipes on my blog. I will be updating soon.
So to make a long story short I cannot close the cancer chapter yet and I feel that things are really improving. Thank you so very much for your prayers and support!
Love and prayers always!!!
Janet Coester – Consultant for Mir Valley Associates L.C.
25 March 2013 Happy Spring!!!
It has been a very full three months since I last wrote. Besides my healing regimen, doctor appointments and doing what I could Shaklee wise I was preocupied with budgets and figuring out how we were going to float expenses in January. I spent many hours filling out forms for financial aid, utility aid, and several days on putting together information for an appeal to the insurance company. I did qualify for the Hope Supply Program and my apartment now has real curtains. The utility assistance was granted. As of yesterday (23 March) I learned that I did win both appeal processes with the insurance company which will save us over $800 in medical bills. What is the lesson? Do what I can with the energy I have and for the rest TRUST. Reducing stress in my life is imperative for the short and long term complete healing and vibrant health. Reframing situations that seem impossible is very important.
I spent a good deal of time doing PR for the Healthy Choices event that I had organized for 10 February. Dr. Sandy shared very timely information. She was well received by those who attended the event.
I attended a two day workshop in February called the phenomenal world. In the phenomenal world wonderful things happen that we don't experience when we are stuck in survival mode. I created a mandala that I call "Rainbow Bridges To Peace". I remember the process feeling what on earth was I taking time for this when I wasn't feeling well and had other things calling at me. I have also allowed myself to spend some time with a writers group that was formed here. The end of February I managed to find a little more time to share Shaklee and prepared for Ric to come.
Ric arrived 3 March it was really wonderful to have him here. I hadn't seen him since 12 December 2011. We just figured we couldn't afford it. I finally told Ric I know it is not practical, nor is it logical, I really need you to come be with me and meet my health care team.
The days were very full. Sunday 3 March I had a wonderful hike in Sabino Canyon with Alicia and then off to pick up Ric. We had lunch at Govinda's and then hiked in Sabino Canyon and finished the day with dinner at Dr. Sandy's earth house. Monday I had a blood draw and had to finish up some Shaklee orders for February. In the afternoon we had an open house so that the community here at Desert Rose could meet Ric. I love to hear Ric sing so I invited Mark to bring his guitar. It was wonderul to sing together. Tuesday Ric went with me to my appointments with Dr. Sandy and David Price the acupuncturist. On the way down he saw the signs for the Biosphere 2. Ric has followed it for years. So a visit to Biosphere 2 was added to the schedule on Wednesday afternoon after my appointment with Dr. Downey. I left Ric at the airport at 8:00 on Thursday. The time had gone by so very fast. It was hard to say good-bye.
It took me the next 10 days to recover from the previous 10 days. I slept a lot. We are looking at what it will take for me to transition back to Iowa. It was decided that I should have another MRI before I leave so that is scheduled for 11 April and I see the oncologist on the 17th of April. Prayers please that the tumor is gone at the very least greatly reduced from the November MRI. I would prefer to wait until I know the tumor is completely gone and Dr. Downey prefers to know that we are heading in the right direction.
There is definite improvement. The Two Feathers Healing Formula is working and I have added a couple of therapies to help the process along. More on those later. I need to decide if I need a port and what the consequences of that would be.
At this point I have tentative plans to leave Eloy the 29th of April and head back to Iowa. I will take at least 3 days for the journey as I am no longer in a position to wear myself out doing the drive in two days.
I love you all, I thank you, you mean the world to me. Thank you for your prayers, your moral support, your financial support, for investing in your health, the health of your families, and the planet as a member of our Shaklee family The Peace Team.
May this spring season bring you great joy. Take time to smell the flowers!
Love and prayers always for a Livable World,
Janet Coester
19 May 2013
Happy May!!! It is really wonderful to be back in Iowa.
I left Desert Rose Baha'i Institute late Saturday afternoon after finally finishing the packing of my car. I stopped to pick up something from Dr. Sandy and she also had a bag of road food for me (Fresh picked Chard, Organic Sunflower sprouts, a nut and seed mixture, coconut flakes, apple, tangerine, and carrots). Every mouthful was eaten with gratitude. I made it as far as Lordsburg and found a Budget Inn.
The next day I reached Santa Fe and spent some wonderful hours with Lotti and thanks to Anna was able to stay at their Condo. Intending to leave early morning on Monday, there was some work calling for my attention so I left Santa Fe mid-afternoon.
As I crossed into Colorado my heart and spirit soared. Colorado is a special place for me; wonderful friends and many special memories. I arrived on top of Flagstaff at our friends Annie and Lueb's home (where Ric and I were married). Really love spending time with Annie and Lueb and experiencing their new creations. It was tempting to hang out and I knew that there was much to be done once I reached Iowa. So mid-day on Tuesday I caught up with my friend and customer Dave in Denver. It really is about the people that we meet in our lives, the relationships that we build that makes life worth living.
I arrived in Manhatten KS just after 9:30. I was blessed to stay with Narman and Jeff Koenig and had the opportunity to visit with several of the folks staying with them. Before leaving the next day I stopped to see Jeff's most recent venture during the last four years. Big Poppi's Bicycle Shop. Great Work! A comfortable setting. A very busy shop, humming with activity, lots of choices, and not overcrowded. (The newest addition wall to ceiling bike storage in the back. Very Awesome!)
Crossing into Iowa my heart said I am home! I just love the green. I am not a desert rat. I was driving up the hill on Prairie du Chein when my sister called to ask when I would arrive. "Very Soon". So at 9:40ish I hugged Susan and Dad at the Farm House at Winds Reach. So great to see them. Then off to Mir Valley Farm. Ric had waited up, I gave him a hug and we unloaded the car into the living room/office and the Kitchen. It was supposed to rain the next two days so I took the car back down the hill to the parking area.
My sincere gratitude to each and all with whom I stayed on my journey home. Thank you Nancy, Diane, and Lynda and whomever else had a hand in cleaning my apartment, recycling and distributing the things I left behind.
I've been gone a year and a half. So if you don't hear from me or see me for a bit; I am still finding, cleaning and setting up my living and work space so that it is more efficient and livable. Feel free to call or e mail.
Back tracking a little. I did not have the MRI in April because the topical application of two feathers was doing its work and the area was very inflamed. Sandy, Dr. Noemi, and Dr. Downey all agreed that we needed to wait on the MRI because the inflammation could give a false interpretation. I did decide to have the port installed and that is a whole story by itself. I have now successfuly used the port for ongoing treatment. The therapies we added in April included adding B17 to the Vitamin C IV's. I had a few Glutathione pushes which brought my liver enzymes down. They were very high. The liver enzymes have now remained better than they have ever been. This is good news. We also added hydrogen Peroxide IV's. I only have two more of those to go. I will continue with the Vitamin C IV's once a week until we are sure that everything is clear.
I am needing to find an accupuncturist in Iowa. I have not had a treatment since the third week of April and my sleep has been disturbed by pain in the top of my feet and the lack of full feeling in my toes, and during the day weird current sensations in my legs and pin pricks in my feet. These are the result of the 2008 collision when I do not have routine treatment.
I am so blessed to live in such a beautiful spot. I saw Baltimore Orioles as I was walking up the hill earlier this week. I stopped in at New Pioneer for veggies and fruit. I was Welcomed home by Jason the Manager. Thank You! I must say it was quite a shock to see the Bradley Center gone and ugly blocking buildings where there used to be historic homes.
Ok I had better put my mind to reading and preparing for the Deposition on Tuesday. Prayers Please! Thank you each and all for your love, caring, and support! Keeping you each and all in my heart and prayers!!!
Have a Glorious Day!!!
Janet Coester
5 September 2013
The summer was very full with lots of wild cards which meant that I had to learn to bring peace and gratitude to every situation no matter how upside down and backwards it may have seemed at the time. With the coming of fall there is resolution in some areas of my life and a sense of certainty that all is well and all shall be well.
Next week I fly to Tucson to meet with my health care practitioners. There will be an MRI on the 16th. Please keep me in your heart and prayers.
Keeping you each in my heart and prayers!!! Thank you for your care and support! I am hopeful that the remaining wild cards in my life which will take time and energy will be brought to completion in the very near future and certainly within the next six months.

Have a Glorious Day!!!
Janet Coester
Waiting in the Denver airport there was a moment of silence for those who died on 9/11. It was wonderful. It was actually quiet. The person sitting next to me said that she could have handled 5 minutes of silence. When I scheduled my flight I really didn't think about it being 9/11.
Now on the flight to Tucson I have found time to write an update. The last month has been very full for me with juggling self care, work, finances, insurance and providers, bringing order out of chaos and business development. I was very tired after conference and it was clear that I must rest. The homeopathic physician that I work with told me the second week of August that it is very important that I bring my energy level back to normal and keep it there. Especially in my case if my energy level is not normal the cells may not replicate properly. "Some things may not get done." he told me. This is a thought that I have to come to peace with as sleep and rest have to be a priority on my healing journey.
I have not made the progress that I had hoped for healing wise. This is in part due to all that I am attempting to do. While my blood work was looking great in Mid-August when my focus allowed for lots of rest and sleep toward the end of August the numbers dived again. The lump which I had hoped would be completely gone by now, is still there. The MRI on September 16th will tell me just how much improvement has happened since last November.
Unexpectedly I had to organize and manage the haying operation the 3rd week of August. The next two weeks were spent making sure I did the weekly high dose Vitamin C Infusion (4 hrs - 5 hrs with setting it up etc.) and the Hydrogen Peroxide infusion (2-3 hrs including set up and clean up). Sometimes I can work during these other times I have to just be or even sleep and I never seem to know what my body will need. It makes scheduling a little difficult on these days. The last part of August was spent meeting business development deadlines. Thanks be to God the deadlines were met.
When insurances came due this summer it was clear to me that it was time to find another home for the Tercel. I hadn't used it in two years and probably wouldn't in the next two years. I had intended to put it on Craig's List as is and someone expressed interest in it. When the mechanic said he would not work on it my limited time to move it from his lot before leaving forced me to make a decision quickly. September 10th we took our last drive. I finally said Good-Bye to the 1986 Toyota Tercel that I had bought in September of 1985. Not exactly how I would have planned it. I wanted it to have a home with someone who would love and appreciate it and since no one in Iowa City would do the work that needed to be done I left it with Ace Recycling on 9/10/13. I may write a short story about the life and travels of that mighty little car. The blessing is that this is one less thing that I have to do towards recreating order in my life.
9/20/12 The MRI revealed a significant change. So now we are waiting on the results of the blood test and labs to create the right regimen for me. It is clear that it was too soon to have moved back to Iowa and that the reduction or elimination of some parts of the program that I was on, perhaps was not the best choice. I am confident that we will find the right solutions that will allow my body to complete the healing process. At this moment returning to the full program that I was doing before leaving Arizona seems that it is a must. Part of me is resisting this because of other deadlines in my life. And as at least three of the practitioners have pointed out to me that all the things that I am putting before taking care of me will not ever be done if I am not here.
Thank you so very much for being a part of my life.
16 October 2013
I am very grateful for my father who is 92 today and an amazing man. He is still doing theoretical physics and enjoying physics as it is his passion. I am also very grateful that the 2012 tax return is done and the financial aid applications for the medical bills are mailed. I am looking forward to completing the requested information for the attorneys for the 2008 and 2010 auto collisions. During this time of intense paper work I think of and pray for each and everyone of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and understanding. Once the paper work is done for the attorneys I will figure out what the next steps are in my own healing journey. In the meantime feel free to e mail or call if you have questions, encouragement or want information Shaklee wise.
Keeping you each and all in my heart and prayers!
Have a Glorious Day!!!
Janet Coester
November 6, 2013 Really! Where has the year gone. Grateful that perhaps I am one step closer to a settlement for the 2008 collision. Grateful that Southwest Medical Imagaing processed quickly the paperwork for financial aid and wrote off the entire balance of September's MRI. Grateful that Blue Cross Blue Shield has an appeal process and I pray with thanksgiving that they will honor the appeal. With the move back to Iowa and my refering doctor being in AZ over $2,000 worth of charges for Lab tests drawn in Iowa have accrued without going toward my deductible.
I still have more stuff that needs to be done paperwork wise for the 2010 collision and I need a little break. So I have composed the coverletter for our Shaklee update, and Thursday I will call friends to remind them of Saturday's event, and catch up with customers. November 20th I have an appointment with the oncologist and we will see if the do nothing except eliminate stress to the best of my ability is producing signs of improvement. Ok I haven't been doing nothing. Certainly time nor finances have not allowed for the full regimen that I was doing in AZ. I was juicing daily again for a bit, I have increased my Vitamin D intake, and I am trying gcmaf which is supposed to help my immune system kick in and do the job. My Nagalase score was high in September 2.60 it is supposed to be less than .5. It indicates that the macrophages are inhibited from doing their job of killing the cancer cells. I saw a friend on Sunday who hasn't seen me in forever. She said: 'You look great! It has to be Shaklee.' Yes, I am the healthiest "sick" person I know. Looking forward to this recovery process coming to an optimally healthy completion sooner than later.
Thinking of you with gratitude, and keeping you in my heart and prayers always!!!
Janet Coester